The Amazing Health Benefits of Coffee

Would you like coffee in the morning? I do, and as I write there is a steaming cup of dark coffee with me. Not only coffee remains a popular drink to help start the day, but more and more evidence is showing that there are many health benefits that can come along with it too.
If you are a moderate drinker of coffee, you have a lower risk of:
Type 2 Diabetes
Parkinson's disease
Even decaffeinated coffee can help in the case of type 2 diabetes.

In an important study, more than 193 000 people were examined, and those who drank an average of 6-7 cups of coffee were 35% less likely to be diagnosed with diabetes.
Those who drank 4-6 cups a day had a 28% lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
Sex, age, weight - none of that mattered; the risk still declined.
In a broader, researchers in Australia study looked at nearly half a million people - and found a 7% drop in the risk of diabetes for every additional cup of coffee per day!
In fact, consumption of decaffeinated coffee or black tea reduced the risk by almost the same amount.
What about stroke and heart disease?
What evidence exists to show that coffee may reduce these risks?
In men, the risk of both heart attack and stroke was reduced when they were regular coffee drinkers.
For women, only the risk of stroke was reduced.
One possible reason for this gender difference could be an increased risk of heart attacks in women after menopause, because estrogen level dropping.
As Parkinson's disease, dementia and AD are the key ingredient in protection appears caffeine coffee.
A scientific study looked at almost 1,500 people over a period of 20 years.
People who drank 3-5 cups of coffee a day, saw the risk of dementia and AD was 65% lower compared to those who drank no coffee or had less than 3 cups a day!
Coffee seems to protect the liver from cirrhosis and even liver cancer. It also appears to protect against gallstones.
Coffee is well known to help improve concentration and can improve your ability to exercise.
What about coffee, besides caffeine may help reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, Parkinson's disease, dementia and AD?
Well, at least part of it has to do with the high levels of antioxidants found in coffee.
Antioxidants are chemicals that are found in foods, especially superfoods that scavenge free radicals in the body. Free radicals are produced as a result of normal biochemical reactions in our bodies daily, but are highly reactive and can damage cell parts. Your body has natural ways to eliminate free radicals, but it certainly can help the body along if you take extra antioxidants either superfoods or supplements.
In fact, coffee is one of the best sources of antioxidants that is readily available.
Science continues to find out how these antioxidants can reduce all the above diseases, but we know that they do and there are many studies that prove this. And we know that coffee is rich in antioxidants and course are unproven health benefits if you drink 3-5 cups a day.

So keep the coffee flowing and stop feeling guilty.

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